aunty flow & food craving

Yes! Apparently that’s how some people call their period! cute name hey?

So day 2 today and I feel that this time it’s a little heavier than usual.. Great! that means uterus lining is shedding and is getting thinner as we speak! 😀 Another thing that I just realized today.. I’ve been eating like a pig! usually my appetite for food increases about a week towards my period and then when it comes I will feel bloated and can’t eat too much.. but NOW I am constantly HUNGRY!! I can’t stop snacking and can’t get my mind off food!

I remember on the day going back from Stavanger, I had breakfast at the hotel around 8am – 2 fried eggs, some potatoe dish and ratatouille (really it’s a bean in tomato dish is how I would call it) and some cucumber & capsicum salad. We had a little walk before we check out and remember feeling hungry and hey there’s mcdonalds! – I know it’s not healthy – but off we went in and had 9 pieces of chicken nuggets and a large french fries – and we weren’t sharing! This was about 10.30am. Got to the airport, waiting around and about  1.30 pm I found myself ordering a large portion of scampi & asparagus salad.. I remember the funny look my husband gave me.. because this was quite a bit abnormal 🙂 and later that night we had pizza – another unhealty food I know – large one.. and after that I was still snacking on peanuts!

Back to the healthy eating regime now, lots and lots of veggies, always eat an apple a day, I start drinking milk (I hate milk – but I think I need to start and the milk here surprisingly tastes GOOD almost delicious) also I have been taking folate as doctor’s advise..

It’s wednesday, Norwegian course later in the afternoon.. meaning I will need to do the sniff in the course’s toilet – again.. not my favorite place to do it.  Anyhow.. only a week to go now until first ultrasound.. stay positive.. stay positive..

What’s happening today

Period is here, got it this morning.. so it’s right on time. My doctor said that It might last longer than usual, let’s see how long will it be for me. Having back pain at the moment, which is not NOT normal for me.. my head has been a little dizzy on and off since yesterday afternoon.. but again this is normal for me when I’m about to have my period..

Really hope that everything will go well and will start stimulation on the 12th as planned.. Can’t wait to stick those needles into my stomach! 😀

what a weekend!

On Friday, my husband and I went to Stavanger and we did the climb to the pulpit rock (Preikestolen). Went to Stavanger by train on Friday morning and back to Oslo by plain on Sunday afternoon,  so I had to do my sniffings at the train station, on the train, up on the mountain and at a toilet at the airport! I feel more comfortable with the nasal spray.. I manage to do it correctly I think, no more drips.. so I’m not worried about it anymore.. I stop thinking and just do it 😀

Talking about the side effect.. hmm it’s probably here.. yesterday on the way back home it was about 17 degrees, my husband had his jacket on.. and me? I was feeling sooooo hot, couldn’t wait to get home and get comfortable! hot flush?

side effects, where are u??

Here I am, just started day 4 of nasal spray, I don’t feel any change to my body or my emotions AT ALL! No hot flushes, no headaches, no mood swings – oh well I’m a little moody but that’s normal as I’m going to have my period in about 4 days or so. I know I’m being totally ridiculous by wanting side effects.. but I just need something to show me that I’m doing it right, that the medicine is working and my hormone is suppressed! 😦 My husband keep telling me to stop stressing out, that I’m doing it just fine.. but still.. – oh hey maybe this anxiousness is the side effect after all! 😉

Btw, I called the clinic the other day and they said it’s normal to have some dripping down my nose.. expected answer – that is good 🙂