an update and a story

So far everything is going as scheduled. Period came only one day late, so that’s checked. I was saying to myself if It didn’t come in 2 days, I will do a home pregnancy test! I guess I scared my body off and period came the next day! 😉 I’m still taking the supplements and had added omega 3 fish oil as well, been taking it for about 3 weeks now. Only 3 days to go until the scan and I’m not worried at all as I’m confident that I’ll be down regulated (as always).

There’s something else to worry about though. Husband has been put on corticosteroid (prednisolone) for his frozen shoulder. About 4 months ago he started to feel sharp pain on his right shoulder, well actually the pain started few months before that but he chose to ignore it and then it started to get worse that he couldn’t sleep at night. He did have a tear on his muscle some 10 years ago from playing footie so I forced him to see a doctor and he’s diagnosed with tendonitis and was told to see a physiotherapist, which he did. He felt better for a while until about 2 weeks ago when his shoulder started to get really stiff and the movement became so restricted that he can’t lift his hand all the way up. The shooting pain came back, this time from his shoulder down to his arm and the sleepless night started again (for some reason the pain got worse at night). So he went to a shoulder specialist and yes he has a frozen shoulder. I read about corticosteroid a long time ago and its effect on sperms. It’s not good. It affects sperm motility and/or count. I didn’t say anything to my husband as I didn’t want to make him worry. He is a person with very high tolerance for pain so the fact that he tells me that he’s in pain and the fact that he can’t sleep at night, tell me that he’s in PAIN.  BUT last night, out of nowhere, suddenly he said to me that he’s wondering if the medicine would affect his boys and he GOOGLEd IT!! I’m telling you now.. this is very unlikely of him!.. and of course google told him the same thing. So now he’s worried. I told him that we’re going to do ICSI anyway and maybe the boys are so strong that they won’t be affected at all!

So yes, another hurdle, but it’s something that has to be done (ie. taking the medicine). We’ll just hope for the best.

2 thoughts on “an update and a story

  1. We had low count, low motility, and high morphology and ICSI worked with ours! It’s nice because the embryologist can pick the best of the bunch! 🙂 So excited for you! Good luck!!

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